Best Of The Lake District White Water Kayaking

Course Dates & Booking
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To book a place on this course, click on a date above to book and pay for the course, then complete and submit the Booking Form. If the following dates are not suitable, or you want to make a private booking for your club or centre, please get in touch.
Course Overview
Explore grade 3-4 white water kayaking with us on the Best Of The Lake District White Water course. In the Lake District and Northern England, we have amazing rivers on our doorstep, such as the Leven, Kent, Clough, Tees and Lune. With 20 years of experience white water kayaking in the Lakes, we know how to get the best river conditions, the smoothest lines and the run moves on the rapids to make the most of your week. We specialise in white water kayaking, when we're not working we’ll be found on the rivers and can't wait to show you our local playground. This coached week will develop your paddling and you will leave with a clear path for future development.
From the many play features on the Leven, to the pool drop rapids of the Kent, and the hidden gems on the spate rivers there's loads to have a go at. The Lake District is the perfect location to move your paddling on from grade 3 to styling the lines on grade 4 rapids. With a wealth of forgiving harder rapids in the area, we’ll refresh the fundamentals and show you precise cutting edge techniques to help you move your paddling up a notch, ensuring each participant has their own key points to develop during the week.
Who Is This Course For?
We ask that you are paddling on grade 3 white water, with some experience of or keenness for some grade 4. For this course, we ask you to have a roll that works most of the time, due to the pool drop nature of the majority of the rapids in the area, if your rolling is a bit hit-and miss on occasion, that's fine. ​Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who has also signed up for the course.
Kit List
A white water specific kayak with front and rear airbags
Well-fitting white water helmet
Buoyancy aid
Spray deck
Dry suit or cag and waterproof trousers
River shoes or old trainers (not wetsuit boots)
Please don't buy new items for the course, it is a great opportunity to try different options and make an informed purchase after. If you need any kit advice or to borrow anything, please get in touch before the course. Kayaks and dry suits are available for hire.
Book Now
To book a place on this course, click above to book and pay for the course, then complete and submit the Booking Form. If the following dates are not suitable, or you want to make a private booking for your club or centre, please get in touch.